About Us

Equipping and supporting Christian leaders at the intersection of faith and culture.

It’s not easy to be a Christian leader today, whether a pastor, a professor, a spiritual director, or a lay leader. Yet leaders are essential for thriving congregations, schools, and organizations that advance the ways of Jesus in the world. Founded in 2016 by Karen R. Keen, the Redwood Center for Spiritual Care and Education works to equip and support Christian leaders at the intersection of faith and culture through education and spiritual care.

I've long had a heart for supporting Christian leaders, knowing the challenges and isolation the work entail. Your diligent efforts to make a difference do not go unnoticed. I see you.
Picture of Karen Keen
Karen R. Keen, ThM

Many leadership resources exist, but the Redwood Center hones in on a couple specialized areas. These include:

Scholarship Accessibility
Many pastors and other Christian leaders do not have time to stay informed on the latest biblical and theological scholarship. Yet scholarship is essential for churches, Christian organizations, and our work in the public sphere. At the Redwood Center, you will find helpful book reviews, articles, and classes to help you navigate challenging topics like sexuality and gender or faith and politics, all with the goal of better embodying the ways of Jesus. 

Emotionally Mature Spiritual Formation
Information alone does not make us spiritually healthy or Christlike. We are called to love our neighbors and our enemies. Yet that doesn’t come naturally. Spiritual growth requires self-awareness and interpersonal development. The Redwood Center fosters spiritual health through contemplative spiritual practices, emotional intelligence, and relationship building.

To learn more about what you can find at the Redwood Center, explore the following resources:

Digital Magazine
Consultation Sessions
Learning Hub (external link; under development)
Newsletter (external link)
Library (coming soon)

About Karen R. Keen

Karen R. Keen is writer, scholar, and spiritual care provider, a unique blend of vocations combining her love of scholarship with practical life application. Karen has taught in a wide range of academic and church settings. She is the author of  The Word of a Humble God: The Origins, Inspiration, and Interpretation of Scripture (2022), The Jesus Way: Practicing the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises (2020), and Scripture, Ethics, and the Possibility of Same-Sex Relationships (2018). She is also co-editor of the anthology Christlike Acceptance Across Deep Difference (2025).

Trained as a spiritual director in the Ignatian tradition, Karen has led small groups through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises and specializes in practices of discernment and decision-making. She facilitated spiritual formation groups at Duke Divinity School for several years, including “Navigating Conflict as a Spiritual Practice,” which reflects her passion for dialogue work. Prior to that, she facilitated groups with the Zeidler Center for Public Discussion using the Public Conversations Project dialogue method. She has also received training in Peacemaking Circles from Kay Pranis and frequently uses circles in group sessions.

Karen earned her Th.M. in biblical studies from Duke Divinity School, M.A. in exegetical theology from Western Seminary, and M.S. in education (counseling) from Western Oregon University. She completed several years of PhD work, achieving ABD, before voluntarily leaving doctoral work to respond to a ministry call. Additionally, Karen holds certificates in Spiritual Direction, Epic 30 Online Teaching, Preparing Future Faculty, and Contemplative Pedagogies.