Faith Questions Groups

The Faith Questions Groups 1 and 2 are each 8 week-groups designed for those experiencing changes in their faith and want a place to talk through the process with others. The small, intimate group helps participants move past the superficial to truly sharing our stories and hearts with each other.

This group may be helpful if . . .

  • Your childhood faith no longer seems to quite fit, and you are discerning what it means to be a faithful Christian now.
  • You have encountered new, intriguing ideas in books and podcasts, yet are afraid of how your church leaders, family, or friends will react to your evolving faith.
  • You have hard questions that have gone unanswered and are wrestling with increasing uncertainty about what you believe.
  • You want to better understand and articulate your own perspective on basic Christian beliefs.

In Faith Questions 1 (FQ1), participants have the opportunity to share and hear stories, process emotions that often come up when faith shifts occur, and discern how to navigate relationships with those who might not understand what you are going through. Part 1 is not about finding conclusive answers to specific theological questions as much as creating space to talk about what you are experiencing in your journey. The group also introduces helpful spiritual practices to sustain through what can be emotionally and spiritually challenging work.

Faith Questions 2 (FQ2) is for those who want to roll up their sleeves and explore what they believe about the Christian faith. In what ways are your current developing beliefs on Christian doctrine similar or different than what you were previously taught? The group uses Rowan Williams’ Tokens of Trust: An Introduction to Christian Belief as a springboard for contemplating core Christian tenets. The purpose of the book is not to dictate answers, but to help each participant discern what they agree or disagree with, allowing each person to better formulate their own convictions. This group also continues to process emotions that may arise in the theological exploration. Normally, FQ1 is a prerequisite for participating in FQ2 (discuss with Karen possible exceptions). Note: if your questions pertain more narrowly to the use of Scripture or topics like sexuality, see the other class options.

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